Carolin Soldo Review: The Perfect Blueprint
My experience with Carolin Soldo and her Brand Your Passions Program was one that motivated me to design the best possible program for my clients. This review of Carolin, her team, and the program will give coaches insight into the coaching program in order that they can make an informed decision on investing into a program to structure and grow their businesses.
I became acquainted with Carolin Soldo and team through an Instagram ad. I was mentally in the space where I wanted to grow my career transition coaching business, but I wasn’t sure if I had the appropriate structure, back-end systems, and promotion plan in order to successfully launch my business and support the demand for new clients. I attended the free webinar and learned a great deal about how to fill my practice with my ideal client without having or building a list to find them. Carolin provided rich information in the webinar, which I had not been privy too before, on how to reach the people I am called to serve. She also provided me with a clear picture of how to strategically price my program in a manner that showcases the value I will provide to my clients, as well as, garners the income I require for my business. I felt both inspired and confident enough to book a private call with Carolin’s team. Her team walked through the current state of my business with me and graciously highlighted opportunities for growth. They also, showed me where I was short changing myself and stifling the gifts I should be sharing with my clients.
My first impression of Carolin and her team was that were extremely passionate about helping coaches rise to a higher level in their businesses. I liken it to having a group of personal cheerleaders assigned to help you win! One, thing I really appreciate about the team is that everyone is a coach in some capacity. They really understand the challenges, fears, and pitfalls that coaches experience but they also have solutions for how to navigate them. Each team member excels in her specialty and coaches in an equitable manner to meet students where they are in their program. I appreciate the level of expertise that I have access to and that I am able to extract information that I can immediately apply to my business.
I enrolled in the “Brand Your Passions” program in August of 2018 when I was at a point in life where I really wanted to bet on myself and breathe life into my coaching business. I didn’t know where to start or what I was missing. After attending the webinar and my private call, I did a bit of research into other programs to compare features and benefits. Carolin’s Brand Your Passions program was far more comprehensive than the others. The level of support available through the private Facebook group, 1:1 calls, and weekly Q&A sessions gave me assurance that it would be difficult to fail. I also found Carolin to be extremely relatable. She wasn’t just a coach there to tell me how to run my business, she had personally experienced the ebbs and flows of launching and growing her own coaching business. The competitors I reviewed were certified but didn’t have the life experience that would give me the confidence that they would be able to speak to the unique challenges and fears I faced in my business. Lastly, I was inspired by seeing a unified group of women dominate the coaching scene with poise and assurance – although business tends to be a man’s world.
I became a Career Coach because of my own struggle defining and finding fulfillment in my career since graduating from undergrad. Although I proudly wore my degree like a badge, I had absolutely no clue as what I was supposed to do with it. There was no single source of truth to steer me into positions that would help me grow or out of environments that would drain my energy and waste my time. So, I had to navigate the murky waters of career transition on my own. Along the way, I learned how to write a resume that was up to par with industry standards, mastered the art of interviewing, and became a student of the job hunting process. Because I was constantly in the space where I had to search for a better position, my finger was always on the pulse of the trends in career transition. After years of job hopping, I finally found a position that not only praises and nurtures my gifts but also encompasses an environment that fits my temperament. My friends and family would come to me to write their resumes and provide advice on how to find a new job. After years of helping people and transforming my own career trajectory, I realized that I had a gift for coaching career transitions. I enrolled in a certification program with the International Coaching Federation to become a Certified Career Development Coach. My pastor always says that “Your struggles should be someone else’s shortcut”. Walking through my hardships in finding my ideal career is not in vain. I can now package my experience to help other women discover their ideal career path without walking blindly and alone.
My ideal clients are professional women who are frustrated and feel apathetic towards their jobs. They aren’t nurtured, taken seriously, or being heard at work. This constant state of unfulfillment is leaking over into other areas of their lives and they’re ready to make a change.
What I am most proud of in my business is the ability to invite God into my process. It’s a really scary thing to be vulnerable and talk about your spiritual beliefs as part of your business. However, I believe that my methodology is an important part of the transformation I offer to clients. My own spiritual growth is the undertone of the success of my own transformation from apathetic job to a fulfilling career. It took me years to be comfortable with being public about my spiritual journey. The interim discomfort has left my business in stagnation for four years. It has just dragged along an uphill rocky mountain waiting to be unleashed. Aside from my spiritual foundation, I am an Empath so I naturally feel and take on the heart of other people. Therefore, my coaching conversations with my clients allow me to really step into their world, feel their passions and fears, and respond with the tone or energy they need to go to the next level. I have been in their shoes before so our conversations come with a unique authenticity and relatability that produces a deep connection. Lastly, I would say that I am expert in the job search process from A to Z. Because I have a marketing background, I always view things in terms of positioning businesses to influence the behaviors of their consumers. I approach the career transition process for my clients in the same manner. My marketing expertise along with ten years of career transition define my expertise as a career transition coach.
Training in the Brand Your Passions program, there have been quite a few instances where I was sure that I could skip past certain lessons because I figured that I knew the information already. I was wrong. Of these moments, my biggest A-HA was the significance of carving out my niche. Taking a deep dive into the soul of my niche helped me to understand the pain points of the women I was called to serve. It was critical for me to go through this exercise because it allowed me to understand what my clients find valuable so that I can develop my program towards their expectations. Now I have much more clarity of what my client needs which has given me the confidence to drive my business forward. Because of this breakthrough, I have been able to communicate the mission of description of my program more clearly which has allowed me to connect with key people in the industry.
For other coaches that are seeking to launch and scale their business, I suggest that they open themselves to the opportunity to seek help. Allow a mentor or professional who is further along take an assessment of the current state of their business. Sometimes we hold so tightly to our business that we don’t leave any room for experts to provide input to make us shine. This is ultimately a missed opportunity. We need to invite experts and specialists (designers, marketers, sales staff, etc.) onto our team so that we can focus on what we do best, coaching our clients through transformation.
For the future of my business, I am focusing on creating a personal, multifaceted experience for my clients. This includes providing a safe space for them to go through a self-discovery process and participate in the transformation required for successful career transition. I am in the process of launching an intensive training program for women who are ready to take the leap towards working in a career that allows them to thrive and shine by utilizing their gifts and talents. I am also creating a self-directed program for those who already know exactly where they need to be but just need a jump start in the job search. Eventually, I would like to be more visible in my community by speaking a conferences and hosting in-person group trainings.
In closing, signing up for Brand Your Passions was the lifeline I needed to revive and expanding my career coaching business. I have developed a deeper relationship with my ideal client, discovered opportunities to provide value and insight, and gained confidence to promote my program. I am excited to position myself as the go-to Career Transition Coach, who specializes in helping women on the road to self-discovery, connect to careers that will appreciate and utilize their gifts and talents. I have been equipped with a solid foundation and intricate business systems that will allow me to evaluate, intake, and prepare clients for their new journey. There’s not better feeling that to take your past hurts, pains, obstacles, pitfalls, and setbacks and turn it into a viable business that serves others into greatness. I am truly grateful for discovering Carolin and her team. I was introduced to them at a time when my business could’ve died and my dream may not have been realized. Now, I am ready to soar to change my life and energize others to do the same.
If you want to connect with Carolin or speak with her team about any of her programs, you can do so at You can also learn more by visiting or .
To learn more about me and Upwardly Paved Path Coaching, contact me at
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Onward toward greatness,
Davina Ware, MBA