Career Coaching
Let's Place You on Your Ideal Career Path
It is my belief that we should look forward to the work we do everyday. As a Career Development Coach, my job is to connect you with your ideal career by helping you overcome obstacles that prevent success; shift your thought patterns to obtain your goals; and discover your attributes to put them to use. Jumpstart your journey and get out of your current rut within a matter of months.
I will help you to:
Identify a career path ideal for that fits your lifestyle, skills, and temperament
Transition between companies or into a new career field
Advance within in your current job or career
Simplify your job search techniques
1-on-1 Coaching
Clients benefit from professional guidance and accountability partnership through the coaching process. Receive a personalized action plan, private 1-hour sessions month via phone or in person (if within 10 miles of downtown Chicago), check in calls, and unlimited email access to me for inquiries. Each session will contain discovery and development activities as well as a report of your progress toward achieving your goals.
Are you ready to invest in your career transition? Fill out the Coaching Inquiry Form and I will follow up with you concerning your needs.
Group Coaching
Groups can benefit from becoming more knowledgeable in a specific area through learning about key concepts and sharing experience. Topics include Job Search Basics, Acing the Interview, and Being Successful at Work. Each group session is two hours and contains interactive activities and continuing self learning recommendations.
Are you looking for a group coaching session for your organization? Contact me for more information at info@upwardlypavedpath.com